(865) 238-5600

We can help with your small renovation projects!

Small Renovation Grant Program

Knox Heritage, with support from the City of Knoxville’s Historic Preservation Fund, is seeking to fund historic preservation efforts by eligible homeowners residing within the City of Knoxville’s H or NC Historic Overlay districts.

Program Overview

The intent of the Small Renovation Grant Fund program is to assist with rehabilitation, restoration, or repairs to important exterior architectural elements as approved through the Historic Zoning Commission Certificate of Appropriateness process.

Applications for grants up to $2,500 will be considered.

Applicants must be able to pay for all project costs in advance. Reimbursements will be issued to grant recipients after progress invoices are received and approved by Knox Heritage.

Additionally, the budgeted scope of work approved must be matched by the homeowner with a minimum of 35% cash contribution. For example, if the budget is for the proposed work is $3,800, the owner would provide a minimum of $1,330 (35%) to that scope of work with Knox Heritage reimbursing $2,470 (the remaining 65%).

Funding is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and applications will be considered in order of their receipt. The Knox Heritage Vintage Properties Committee will review each submitted application objectively and will choose the grant recipients after careful deliberation.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Property must be located in an H or NC Historic Overlay within City of Knoxville limits
  • Property must be owner-occupied; commercial or rental properties will not be considered at this time
  • Property must be current with all City of Knoxville and Knox County taxes

Download full program details and requirements here.

Questions? Please call (865) 523-8008.

Qualifying Expenses
  • Windows and doors
  • Porches
  • Roofs and gutters
  • Exterior painting
  • Siding
  • Masonry
Application Requirements
  • A detailed and well-conceived project plan and timeline with proposed work to be completed by the end of calendar year 2024
  • Total cost of the project, including amount of grant funding requested
  • Photographs of area(s) that will be impacted by the proposed project
  • Evidence of property ownership
  • Proof of homeowner’s insurance
  • Historic Zoning Commission Certificate of Appropriateness
  • Contractor information, including license number and proof of insurance
  • Proposed projects must meet all applicable building codes and design guidelines, if applicable
Frequently Asked Questions

What is an H or NC overlay?

An historic (H) overlay is a local historic district where exterior rehabilitation, new construction, and demolition are reviewed by the Historic Zoning Commission or its staff. A neighborhood conservation (NC) overlay is a local historic district where new construction and demolition are reviewed by the Historic Zoning Commission or its staff. Both are zoning overlays, which do not regulate the property’s use. As a local historic district is created, each neighborhood assists in drafting their own design guidelines, which can be tailored to the neighborhood’s specific architecture, history, and preservation priorities.

Which Knoxville neighborhoods are located in H or NC overlays?

Historic (H):

  • Edgewood-Park City
  • Fourth & Gill
  • Lyons View Pike
  • Market Square
  • Mechanicsville
  • Old North Knoxville

Neighborhood Conservation (NC):

  • Fairmont/Emoriland
  • Fort Sanders
  • Scenic Drive
  • Sherrod Road
  • Tazewell Pike

How do I know if my property is located within an overlay?

You can search your address on the Knoxville Geographic Information System (KGIS). Once you have located your address, click the orange globe icon to launch the map. Then select the ‘Maps’ tab and expand the “Planning and Zoning Maps” dropdown menu. Finally, select “Historic Districts and Pre-1865 Structures” to see current zoning. The key to the map can then be seen by selecting the “Legend” tab.

If you still need assistance, please contact Knox Heritage at (865) 523-8008.

My property is located in a National Register Historic District, but is not located in a City of Knoxville H or NC overlay district. Do I still qualify for a grant?

No. At this time, the Small Renovation Grant Program is only available to eligible homeowners residing within one of the City of Knoxville’s H or NC historic overlay districts.

I have a grant application I’d like to submit for consideration. How do I get a Historic Zoning Commission Certificate of Appropriateness (COA)?

You can find the COA application process, checklist, and application on Knoxville-Knox County Planning’s website at knoxplanning.org/historic. If you have questions about the COA application process, please contact Principal Planner Lindsay Crockett at (865) 215-3795 or historiczoning@knoxplanning.org

How do I know if my proposed project meets building codes and design guidelines?

Neighborhood design guidelines can be found at knoxplanning.org/historic. If you have questions about either, please contact Lindsay Crockett at (865) 215-3795 or historiczoning@knoxplanning.org

Knox Heritage reserves the right to deny grant funding for any reason. Grants will not be based on an applicant’s relationship, if any, with Knox Heritage or its members, Board of Directors, or donors. Membership in Knox Heritage is not a prerequisite for being considered, or awarded, a grant. Any state, local, or federal taxes resulting from a grant are the sole responsibility of the grantee. 

Knox Heritage, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Federal ID# 51-0148798.